
Since it's post-Thanksgiving and pre-New Year's Day, the skyscrapers are alive with holiday decorations of all kinds - and some are better than others, but all of them contain plenty of ridiculousness. In the near future, I will review them. I would provide pictures but I lack a picture taking implement.

Just look at this url: http://www.agriculture.com/sfonline/ and attempt to extract some information about it.

You'd probably think "sfonline" means "San Francisco Online." But you are dead wrong. It is Successful Farming Online. You need to realize that "agriculture.com" is more interested in successful farming than San Francisco.

Some preliminary interview questions for Britney Spears:

What does "In the Zone" refer to? Is it a reference to your artistic self entering a zone of unbridled creativity and amazingness? Or is it an outward declaration of the state of America? Is it a warning, referring to the title of the popular Richard Preston book "The Hot Zone"? Could you share your thoughts about the Ebola virus with us? What about the state of global health in general? How could the state of health care in the third world best be advanced? What role does the creation of institutions that foster economic growth play in this?

I'm going to show you a handful of pictures. For each one, please tell me if you think that you are wearing too many, too few or just enough clothes.

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