
My sister has been home for break. I like having her around. She's very willing to go to restaurants where we are the only white people and try interesting food with me. My main complaint about her is that she can't stop watching the trainwreck VH1 reality shows and I think they are melting her brain.

We went to a hockey game as a family. My mom is certifiably insane - she was upset because I somehow didn't allow her to "be herself". I think she may have read way too much into some exasperated sighs or temple-rubbing I was doing - the man next to me vocalized every single thought that drifted through his head and, when he found himself without one, he whistled, very loudly. He was probably in his mid-40s, but he seemed to possess the affliction of the young - being uncomfortable in silence.

This is in a lot of places, and it seems to be getting bigger and faster. Everything is reaction, it's very visceral and seems to be getting farther from rational. We'd hope we're moving forward and making decisions that are more well reasoned, but it's difficult to think that. Not much time is given to think about the reaction or why we're reacting that way. What would make what we're choosing the totally wrong thing? What if we did the exact opposite of what we are doing? How do we know what we're doing is not the wrong thing? What would this make other people do? What does this preclude us from doing?

Went to some kind of dinner party on Saturday. There was mangos in everything. I didn't really care for the food too much, but someone worked quite hard. There was, however, a really nice asti at the end.

Whenever I see an old couple, it stirs up the part of me that only wants to find the love of my life, get married, live together for 50 or 60 years, and die instantly and simultaneously as an asteroid crushes our sailboat.

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