
There's this Brinks Home Security commercial where a woman is putting her kids to bed and she sees a burglar, the burglar sees her, the burglar breaks the window and leaves. The broken window causes Brinks to call her to make sure her family is okay. Notice anything? Yes. There's a huge leap in logic why a burglar would break a window and not enter a home. The plot structure of this commercial needs some serious workshopping, but I see that they are trying to incorporate Brinks services. You can play that "fear/everything's going to be okay" card a lot more effectively if the guy actually enters the home, tackles the woman, cut to a shot of the burglar being beaten by angry cops and finally being raped in prison.

It's hottt as ballz today. And "The Third Man" was on AMC this morning. After that, I went to the dry cleaner and 7-11. I rarely go to 7-11 before 8 or 9pm and I don't think I'll go there during the day again. Weird people. A guy counting out change from a tin box. A woman explaining (in long form) her recent problems with the King County justice system to the clerk. A kid, probably 17 or 18 (still in high school, since he had the high school parking pass on his car), buying mid-priced domestic beer. The other thing that exposes him as an inexperienced, underaged purchaser of alcohol is his choice of seller. You can get beer cheaper at a huge grocery store, but they almost always card. For the price he was paying plus a buck or so, he could've had a 12 pack of Henry's or Kokanee in bottles. I would've suggested he save himself some money and get Schmidt Ice since he probably can't distinguish the two, but he's obviously trying to impress someone buy purchasing bottles (a lady, perhaps?).

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