
He leaves for work at 6:15ish am and returns at 9:45ish pm. He works, he looks at 2 apartments, he has an internal debate about whether or not he has time to get a gelato, he does and he imagines the gelato girl in a spaceship.

These two places: one of them I say "NO THANK YOU" to and the other one I believe I'd like. A roommate, sure, but he's almost the antithesis of Previous Roommate. Not that everything opposite Previous Roommate is good - but I could've lived without some of Previous Roommate's "human frailties." Apart from that, the place is spacious, gorgeous, has a stove with which I could envision myself getting dirty. And a TiVo.

Mistype "nicest" and you end up with "She is the incest person." Which she may or may not be so, but since it's something that can be proven or disproven - unlike the title of 'nicest' - we shouldn't say such a thing unless we can actually support the claim. So I'd encourage you to not say that she's incest.

When I was leaving the office today - several hours after it had closed, so it was pretty empty and quiet - I stepped off the elevator into the main lobby and the smell was something that I only remember from one other place: my dad's old office. From when I was 5 or 6 years old. It's this very distinct smell - like a mixture of warm smelling stale air and something metallic. I can't describe it very well. This smell was the really odd, though. Because the only thing I ever associated it with was bringing picnics to eat with my mom and brother in dad's office, or sometimes going in there on the weekend and playing on the computers. But now I'm older and that's where I work there. Not the same building, but this smell.

When I started typing this several minutes ago I had something to say - something about recognizing something eerily familiar to a line from a fake play I wrote four years ago in a book that I was reading, something about outstanding thing, something about something else, something else about the gelato girl, something about hating my VCR. I can't remember. I'm very tired.

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