
Today: A Lucky Charms breakfast. No lunch. Arrive home. Decide that mini-meatball spaghetti sauce straight from the jar is a perfectly okay dinner.

Boss gave me a ride home today. We talked about how privatized roads in Africa solve some problems: the government has no tax base with which to build roads. To get a tax base, there needs to be markets in which money will flow. For markets to develop, you need some kind of minimal infrastructure - i.e. roads. So privately developed roads solve a number of problems - and create some kind of revenue flow to the road owners that you can tax (or not tax - whichever you choose, because you are the sub-Saharan African despot) to create institutions that support growth. Anyway, interesting discussion.

Guayabera update: one is tan and black stripes. One is maroon.

How many times will they remake the same movie? The Parent Trap story has been done about eight times, including the titles not under the franchise name. Freaky Friday has been done 5 or 6 times.

Observation: while at the driving range, it seems as though middle aged Asian males seem to only practice hitting their driver.

I. Hate. Looking. For. An. Apartment.

At work, I drink Diet Dr Pepper like all damn day. Maybe three or four a day. And when I get home I think about having another one, but I'm all like "No, I better not" and that makes me all pissed off because why should I think I shouldn't have another if I want one? Then I'm all frustrated and I swear if that neighbor kid looks at me again him and his dog are going to find themselves on the roof of the junior high school gymnasium.

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