
French version of Calexico's "Ballad of Cable Hogue" (the movie, The Ballad of Cable Hogue) is won-dur-ful. Particularly if you know the English version (with French parts) - "I live out yonder where the snakes and scorpions run/ Got myself a little goldmine to bank on/ One day my heart sank when I saw Madame in town/ I knew her love would be the death of mine" Also, "Cable" is a great name for a kid - I taught swimming lessons for years and years, I met a lot of kids with crappy names. It's easy to spell and it fits (what I believe to be) some kind of twisted existence/uniqueness theorem that causes parents to give their kids names like Hunter or Mackenzie. He would have to be good at sports, though.

Those fat cats at the American Medical Association say that these other fat cats at the Cenus say that theres 44 million uninsured Americans, right? But you know what? That's not a problem. Because now, more than ever, Americans have the means and ability to self-medicate. Everyday, billions of unsolicited emails offer the keys to health solutions that these fat cat doctors want to monopolize - they feel their greedy little fingers losing the deathgrip they've had on the health racket for the longest time and they don't like it. Like cable service, telecommunications and energy - we need to deregulate the medical industry. I want my health care to be like my robots: FAST CHEAP AND OUT OF CONTROL. Deregulated health care (along with abolishing the Federally run Ponzi scheme called "Social Security" and arts funding dollaz for TV shows that I like but are no longer commercially viable) is obviously the state that we are headed to. Do you want to be a doctor? Hang a sign over your garage and you're in business. Just don't call yourself a doctor. You're an unlicensed medical practitioner and America salutes you for adding liquidity to health care. Pretty soon only suckers will go to medical school, because it's full of antiquated ideas about how humans work. We can get all the health information we want from 3 sources: the news, spam email subject lines and hearsay/conjecture from friends and neighbors. It's time we take back health care from those fat cat "scientists" and "doctors". It's high time we learn to take care of ourselves.

I've been working on a commencement speech should one of my alma maters (college, HS, junior high, elementary, pre-school) invite me - a reasonable intelligent brainwarrior that can serve as a testament to learning stuff - to speak at graduation. Or a "welcome to school" speech. I could do that, too. I can't get the right tone for the speech, though. It's always too depressing. But I'm beginning to think that's the right tone. I've seen too many "upbeat" commencement speeches that basically one big deception. I think someone could make some real money for about 2 months of work - hopping from school to school, collecting honorary degrees or high school diplomas or GEDs or certificates of competency during May and June, throwing out the same speech with some minor customization.

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