
Today was pretty good:
-I got my new phone.
-Went to a ballgame (that was really frustrating to watch) with Dad, but at least we had good (great!) seats (they were free). We had the same seats a couple of weeks ago - that was the first game I'd been to with Dad in a few years.
-And I had a (phone) interview with a guy that was pretty rough (really rough, actually) but he thought I was clever enough to want me to fly out to meet him. Which is great! I have another one at a similar shop the week before, which also involves racking up miles and hotel points.

Which reminds me of my worst phone interview experience. It was soon after college - so about 7 years ago. It was with the research group at the Federal Reserve, with an economist there. The call started normally (conversations with practitioners usually begin a little more awkwardly than ones with HR people, who tend to have sunnier, more enthusiastic dispositions) and eventually she wanted to know about my experience with statistics/econometrics. So I discussed this crappy little paper/project I wrote for my Intro to Econometrics class. She tore into it (because the topic was trivial and had little to do with economics) and asked me to detail what was wrong with the paper. There was plenty wrong with it, but I said that it should have accounted for simultaneous equations and I didn't use two-stage least squares, which is what she wanted to hear. After that, the call kind of ended and I never heard from them again.

Today, I think she was slightly wrong in her criticism - it wasn't really a simultaneous equation issue - but at the time I also wasn't clever enough to slice the point that finely.

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