
In some ways this feels like the first day of college.

Likenesses: most people older than me. Differences: I am the lone new person, no syllabi, everyone is older than me, people suddenly care if I show up each day, fewer days off, stricter dress code (no more pajamas).

Also: There are 48 Starbucks within a 2 mile radius of my office. And I found the most sweet ass (or is it "the sweetest ass"?) apartment. The building doesn't sit on the water, nor does the apartment have a view of the water, so it's cheaper, but it is close enough to the water that I can have sex with a mermaid (or mermaids) whenever I feel like walking a few blocks. I hope I get it.

While looking for apartment stuff, I remembered a friend had moved and sent an email with his address here. The address was for a retirement home. He's 25. If you can explain that one to me, please please please.

I kind of want to go golfing, but I think I'd rather hang out with you, sweetshorts.

Chocolate kisses/sugar hugs,

P.S. Mermaids aren't real.

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