
Let me address the rumors you may or may not have heard. The rumor you heard is false. If you did not hear a rumor, the rumor that has been spreading is false. And the rumor that has yet to be spread is also false. I tell you because I want to arm you with the truth. However, the rumor you have heard, might hear or might begin could be one that reflects positively on our association and I'd like to tell you that those rumors are true. The ones that make us come off as booger-men and booger-women are, in fact, false. The rumors about Jack-in-the-Box switching to koala meat for their burgers is true, I think. The rumor about the government putting metallic mind control syrup in milk is false. The same rumor, except replace government with OPEC and replace metallic mind control syrup with delicious flavor additives and replace milk with snow peas is true, to the best of my knowledge. The rumor about Andre "The Hawk" Dawson becoming the semi-legitimate prime minister of Canada after killing Jean Chretien and fashioned a mask in the now deceased PM's likeness is verifiably true.

Heavy drinkers are more likely to become a business major, less likely to become an engineer. From: Effects of Heavy Drinking in College on Study Effort, Grade Point Average, and Major Choice by Amy M. Wolaver. There's something enormously satisfying about the last sentence of the abstract for that paper. The tables from the full paper are kind of interesting if you have access to CEP online.

Found to be worthy, I now have an apartment. There's a part of me that wants a futon to live out the cheap-chic of a college student that I kind of missed out on. The other part of me is happy having semi-real furniture (furniture that exists in 2.5 dimensions or furniture that exists only in the super-real world like in Tron [because our brains cannot fully accept the super-real without the special helmet, it appears to only be semi-real], furniture like concept cars that you think about but you'll never see on a highway, furniture that does pushups with its knees on the ground so it isn't even working that hard, furniture that is like meatless hot dogs). Real furniture is like a Barcalounger situated in front of a plasma TV or something in that vein.

I saw a bunch of bike messengers today. They are so weird.

In the entire universe, I think the thing I am least interested in is window treatments.

Amazon's recommendation's suck. They've started just putting stuff from my wish list on there. What a stupid waste of time. If you tell it you like Adaptation, you get a bunch of crappy movies that shared award show time. I liked overt mocking and heavy-handed critique of Hollywood, but it thinks I'm some creepy asshole who buys whatever the award shows tell me to. We're through. It's you, not me. This relationship is not working out.

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