
Crystal Pepsi, which you can almost always buy on eBay (including the liquid - always a greenish-tan color now). There was a power outage and I remember drinking a glass of it while listening to a battery powered radio.

OK Soda was sold to us in junior high - just after the Crystal Pepsi thing. It was caffeinated more than other things and had that unusual self-aware marketing that made us all a little uncomfortable around it. It had a disagreeable taste.

I believe Josta was next. Its use of guarana was beaten into our furry, Ritalin-addled brains. I liked the way this tasted, but new things that are too accessible - like soda from a machine - that require nothing to learn or no understanding to use or consume make me angry, so I never drank this more than two or three times. Despite its fairly pleasant strawberry-ish taste, I wasn't disappointed it left, because the marketing campaign was relatively unenjoyable.

In Hong Kong and China I was served orange soda from a glass bottle everywhere I went. It wasn't refrigerated, so it was served between 70 and 75 degrees.

I saw a soda fountain in a Pullman gas station that sold black cherry New York Seltzer in the spring of 2003. I was skeptical of its veracity (because seltzer bubbles seem smaller and tighter and fizzier than regular sodas, pops and colas so what would come out of the fountain? Big bubble seltzer? Sounds icky), so I had Dr Pepper instead.

A few weeks ago I had Club Rock Shandy, a nice tasting thing from Ireland. It's orange and lemon, so I guess you could simulate it with orange drink and lemon drink.

Something not really beveragated:
"There is fluid circulating throughout the underwear," said Mr. Hamid, the engineering student. "I am not sure of the exact mechanism, but we all know the Americans have very sophisticated technology." (NYT)

I saw a group of four people walking down the street today. Three of them had their arms in slings. What happened? Did one person get hurt and the other 2 do it as a sign of solidarity? Why not the fourth person? Simple defiance? ("But I am wearing the ribbon. He is wearing the ribbon. We are all wearing the ribbon! So why aren't you going to wear the ribbon?")

Also, there's a metal/angsty anger rock concert at a large venue near my apartment tonight. I came home to fix myself a grilled cheese during the middle of the day and some of the concert-goers were (literally) grunting, swearing and yelling along with the band's uninspiring brand of guitar chords while tailgating in a parking lot in front of my building. They also made time to harrass pedestrians. Here's my question: why so angry? You're white and male - the most privileged segment of the population in the most privileged nation in the most privileged time in the history of mankind. What's wrong? Anyway, I'm sure you are the same people who grunt and shout at the TV during football season and call in shock-jock radio shows to talk about threesomes or farting and subscribe to Maxim. Are you mad because the lifestyle that the magazines promise you don't actually exist? Oh, also, I've been looking for a heavy thing to drop on your SUV but the only things I could find were a TV, a lamp and a cast iron skillet and I like all of those things more than your groaning and shouting make me angry. Still, I hope you're eaten by a bear.

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