
Dear Friend,

A useful application of social network analysis.

I think it would be great if I walked into someone's apartment and their living room was decorated thusly: about 4 rows of 4 or 5 junior high/high school chair desks with a teacher's desk at the front holding my computer and one of those TV cart holding the TV. Have laminated maps or educational posters and a whiteboard on a wall. (also, take a look at what Virco's interpretation of "Junior Executive" is. I think someone working there has a pretty good sense of humor). And this or this (because everyone wants to eat breakfast around an "Octopod") would make the best kitchen/dining area in the world.

Another awesome thing would be to have just normal furniture and appliances - couch, futon, chair, coffee table, TV, lamp, bookshelf, toaster, KitchenAid mixer, etc. But the walls are only decorated with large pictures of the furniture and appliances. The happily anonymous pictures where it's just the item in a plain white room (those rooms always remind me of Charlie & The Chocolate Factory). I would get such a kick out of that. Oh, I would love that so so much. Let me know if you do this. Make it so the pictures are hanging right above the pieces of furniture, too. If you could get the manufacturer's pictures of your windows and doors, that would be neat, too.

How much do I love Queer Eye for the Straight Guy? Not so much.

Amazon was way screwed up last night. You don't see many outward problems there. I imagine they exist, though. It would be a great sit-com if this were 1999 or the early part of 2000, yes? People riding around hallways on skateboards getting pissed off at the rollerbladers or Razor scooterers leaving their Mountain Dew cans on the floor. The inevitable office romances. Then someone struggles with a drug problem - which drug it is would have to be worked out when you decide which audience you are going after. If it's adults, then it will be alcohol because that's easy. If it's pre-teens, then it's either marijuana or caffeine pills. Maybe alcohol. If it's teenagers then it's marijuana. If it's in between teenager and adult you'd make it an annoying kid doing that's passed out in the bathroom from a drug cocktail and people do something funny to him - like take him around the city and take pictures of him doing soberingly un-sober things like exposing himself to cops.

Craig Counsell's batting stance is one that drives me nuts. Like Tony Batista or Carl Everett (look at the picture - how close he is to the plate, he's rarely legal, I wish pitchers would throw at him more often but he plays on a lousy fucking team so it never really matters).


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