
Would you watch a movie called "Financial Times* at Rigdemont High"?

Why is this in Forbes?

I bought my brother's Christmas present. A Virtual Boy - 1995's state of the industry red & black 3D gaming system and a notable marketing disaster. I'll be playing with it until I have to give it to him, on or around 25 December. If I go crosseyed, is that a qualifying disability for tax purposes? If so, you will you marry me to get the tax benefit? But maybe I'm not interested in you anymore - because a whole world of fiscally aware women will have been opened to me.

* - This is the only paper I read in print (I get this delivered to my house, but I rarely get up early enough to read it over a scones/juice breakfast). Out of principle, I avoid printed newspapers, but FT has pink paper, so I make this exception. They have an article about Elvis Costello this weekend.

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