
I have a disabling fear of ever becoming a father. It's not the Kilamanjaro-esque responsibility (which I don't have, demonstrated by my decision to put off showering over the weekend until I spilled honey on my arms on Sunday afternoon), it's the financial crap, too. Or, as someone put it: "Everyone I know that's my age that has kids never has any money. I don't want that to be me." And now that I think about it, a lot my parents' disposable income shot down to us rotten kids. But then I read this: "millions of male insects are sterilized with gamma radiation so they are unable to mate productively." So I'm just going to leave the lead apron off the every time I get teeth X-rays. Combined with a unhealthy diet and sitting-focused lifestyle, most of my worries should be suitably quelled.

The perfect striptease music.

Soviet posters.

Environmentalism = religion

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