
New rule: aside from beds, couches, large chairs, appliances, homes and cars - you are no longer allowed to own any object that weighs more than you.

This rule was inspired by a 95 kilo dresser that was purchased for a 45 kilo girl. It passed the House and Senate by unanimous vote. It will be signed into law later today.

Also, those guys with the little tiny skinny beards - you know those things, the little strip of beard on the edge of their jawline, the beard is like standing at the edge of a cliff screaming at the world going "AHHHHHHHH!!! I AM SO EFFING EXTREME THAT YOU CAN BARELY BREATHE! ALSO LOOK AT MY TATTOO! IT MEANS 'HARDCORE' IN JAPANESE OR CHINESE OR SOMETHING!", the guys who you'd probably describe was "useless" and "rather sleezy" and they wear a lot of denim shorts and tank tops - those guys are not going to be allowed into my house, when I buy a house, ever. If they show up for a book signing (which I doubt, they don't seem like big readers of anything except magazines that announce on the cover that they are "for men") - I will not sign their book or I will sign their book, but I will insult them with the signature, like "Glad you could take time out of schedule to stop taking pictures of yourself for your Myspace profile. Your flesh would be better used as coyote food." Anyway, I saw 2 of those guys when I was entering a grocery store last night and I was like, "Forget it! We're going to a different grocery store where there ain't any of those guys!"

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