
I had the most uncomfortable dream the. other night - to the point where I woke up and was like, "Ok, there's nothing good." Earlier that night I was at the bar, drinking, with some people, people I work with. We complained about some senior management and I left, brushed my teeth and went to bed. The dream was very vivid, and involved one of the people at the bar sitting on my lap, at work, in a really unprofessional way. I contemplated that during the middle of the night, considered my feelings, then wondered if I ought to share this with the Internet, then started reading a book to try to flush the matter out of my brain.

At work, as I took somewhat neurotic steps to avoid the person (skipping lunch, circuitous routes to get to the stairs, using the stairs instead of the elevator, using other floors bathrooms since I figure there's no possibility of running into them on that floor, which makes me more comfortable, and actively ignoring the person, which makes me feel even more suspicious, like "Oh, why isn't he even acknowledging them?"). It's nice to enter the kind of angsty shoegazing mindset that you usually leave behind when you are, you know, 17.

The animal society page: the cats meet in/around our background to have a nightly "rrrrrrrowr"-ing session, that last maybe an hour or 90 minutes, usually starting between 1am and 2am. There's probably 4 or 5 cats. It is positively awful.

I went to the ATM and there was a guy there driving a Mustang with a garter belt on the rear view mirror and he looked like a guy who would drive a Mustang with a garter belt on the rear view mirror.

As someone who finds the institution of marriage icky, but finds the wedding registry postively revolting, but also has the unfortunate perversion of reading Sunday Styles, this article made me gag, but had the correct phrasing: "aspirational registering." They admit to not knowing what they really want/need. So don't buy the couple what they want, buy them what they deserve. Some times what they deserve doesn't even need to be bought. Just turn over their garbage cans in their lawn, leave an "upper tanker" (poop in the upper tank of the toilet) at a party they are hosting or scatter cat/dog food all over their yard. FYI - you might want to practice upper tankers beforehand, since it can be a little awkward to actually perform.

The worst part of my day was the elastic on my underpants snagged and blew out, so the pair is very subject to the whims and fancy of gravity, which just sucks.

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