
Here's something that's basically really lame that you can do that feels really good and no one will know about it. Write I Saw U/missed connections about yourself, from the perspective of someone else. It's really entertaining and you can flatter yourself. "You look like you have a 290 IQ. I want to have sex with your brain. Coffee sometime?"

My new hobby - the hobby where I wear a suit - is going really well. I didn't go into work today ("working from home") and I wore a suit out all day. Differences I have noticed so far: female baristas tend to lilt their words a tad more. Old ladies smile at me a lot more. Get some dirty looks from guys in T-shirts.

I had an eye appointment this morning and the eye doctor put drops in my eyes that numbed them. Numb eyes. Really weird feeling.

Then I got a haircut and it looks nice - but the woman who cut it went to school with my sister. Odd. I scheduled this appointment because the first time they gave me someone who has the same name as me - I don't like being around people who have the same name as me. It's like, "Oh, hi, *Frank*" And it just adds this extra layer of unspoken weirdness that we all know is there. The first layer is basically just normal everyday shit and the weirdness coming from that is that we're all going to die. It is irreducible weirdness that comes from existing/living - existential weirdness. Okay, the second layer is the weirdness that comes from commercially mediated transactions and that there is a level of honesty that is being betrayed because money is involved. Let us call this pecuniary weirdness. Then there's the weirdness that comes from having the same name as the person you are talking to. You are hyper-aware of saying that name and it is just uncomfortable. I'm not sure what to call this weirdness. It is shared name weirdness, I guess.

Other kinds of weirdness that could be thrown in: the fact that you are both wearing, generally, similar clothes or articles of clothing (shirt, shoes), you have both had relations with the same person, you chat online sometimes (I think simultaneous awareness of the two selves of you and the other person you are standing next to - the actual-this-is-here self and the Internet-self - is actually a disease and they will invent a pill to take care of it).

Anyway, I didn't want someone with my name to cut my hair so I changed the appointment.

Whole Foods is a fun store. Tremendous cheese selection, yeah, but the employees tend to be an odd mix of organicivists and the offspring of people whose income allows them to shop there. It's a weird dynamic. Homework activity: go purchase $40 worth of cheese. While there count the non-white people and decide if the organic food thing has any ties to the current racial climate in America. Please reference me if you use this as the basis for a book.

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