
Internet, today work was a battlefield. I am going to vent my spleen.

1. The VP who I thought didn't know who I was, in fact, did not know who I was. When he slighted me in a mass email, I heard him asking people who I was so he could apologize. He also said it across the floor rather than, you know, being a normal human being and actually talking to someone. I wonder if he knows why we don't just drop our trousers and take craps at our desk. BTW, this bastard is now #2 on my mortal enemies list, still trailing a hateful piece of shit who is currently sucking balls at minor league baseball.

(This reminds me, the girl who works at QFC skyrocketed to #1 on my pretend girlfriends list. I almost needed to be scooped up off the floor I was so in love. She's everything I hope for - she's dismissive, haughty (and hottie, but that's secondary), and looks like she could/would just pound the crap out of me in the best way. According to her name tag and my receipt - her name is Sarah, Hebrew for princess)

I'm also about 90% sure I was left off the list of attendees for a "let's go get drinks" thing tonight. Even though I would not have gone, I am pissed off that I didn't get the stupid invite and I'm going to jam the copier or put salt in the coffee to make sure people think about who they are slighting.

2. There's an Interstate Batteries truck that I was stuck behind this morning. And this afternoon. This shouldn't be happening, but it is. What can we do about it?

3. I am looking to hire and intern for a while. They'll go around the internet and then casually drop my name, about how great I am and stuff. Make me feel good, sure, but it's mostly so when you google my name only good stuff comes up. If you are a college student, you can say you are working for my still unfunded hedge fund and collect course credit or something (PS Please give me money to manage, so I can leave these jerks at work behind)

4. I noticed my oven sort of smells like pot.

5. Oh, for lunch I had a pile of cashews and a Diet Pepsi, which is the lamest lunch free lunch I've ever had.

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