
New idea: "You CAN Take It With You" - it's a funeral home/cemetary for you and all of your possessions. When you die, we inventory all of your stuff and ship it to our cemetary (located somewhere where land is cheap). Your headstone will feature your name and a list of items you like.

Today was total suck. I bought a new stock pot - it was purchased to help fix a piece of me that's broken, but it didn't work. I'm going to make chicken stock tomorrow, anyway. I wore a shirt I like, but I noticed halfway through the day that I hate the buttons, so I don't know what I'm going to do with it. The buttons seem like the kind that a guy who gets lots of parking tickets and swears in front of kids would have on his shirt.

And let me say this - I hate lamp designers. They make their lamps all frou-frou with lots of different shapes on them and stuff. They are just hideous. They should just put something like "EVERYTHING HERE IS VERY DENNY'S GRAND SLAM BREAKFAST - TRUST ME YOU DO NOT WANT IT" if all of the lamps in a store are ugly and look like they belong in a cat person's house. I find something really dishonest about lamps like that, because a lamp does not need to have, you know, like these loping sides or a base that has 4 different levels with faux gold trim and a ruffled shade or whatever. Let's stop lying to everyone and just make our objects what they are. God. Just fuck everything.

I went to lunch at this place that I didn't really care for at all. The pastrami sandwich was like one that dropped out of high school. Just wasn't all the way there. The thing I liked was malt vinegar on the tables, so I didn't have to ask for it.

Tonight I put on a suit and drank bourbon in dark bars. It was pretty good.

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