
The Subway near my apartment is the only quick place that's open until a reasonable hour, but the staff there often seems a bit put-off by anyone's presence (it is almost certainly how I would behave if I had to work there). When you start asking for the things on the sandwich, after each item you are greeted with a "Is that all?" There's a sandwich place near my office that a really happy Korean woman runs and I much her attitude toward sandwich-making.

A guy on the bus was clipping his fingernails. This was thing I hated most from this past week, I think.

My neighbors are moving. I fear it is because of me - do I watch TV too loudly late at night? Am I not friendly enough with them? Do they hate white people? - but ultimately this scares me because there's a guy at work who I do not want to move into their apartment. I mean I really don't.

I DO NOT COME TO YOU, INTERNET, ASKING YOU TO BE MY DREAM DIARY VERY OFTEN - I had a really awful weird dream about being in a large scale hostage situation. Guys in ski masks were pushing us around, except they divided us up into groups based on what we thought was an appropriate, reasonable solution to the Palestine/Israel thing - i.e. two state solution, binational solution, etc. Then they would come around and debate us, except they had weapons and stuff.

I spent most today explaining behavioral characteristics of people I don't like with graphs and diagrams (i.e. why is this one guy so creepy? It's a venn diagram - he's old, he lacks self-awareness and he never learned to behave himself in civil society).

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